Phone Numble

Phone Number is a fascinating and interactive guessing game that combines elements of deduction and logic. The objective is to guess a hidden 5-digit phone number within a limited number of attempts.

About Phone Numble

Phone Number is a fascinating and interactive guessing game that combines elements of deduction and logic. The objective is to guess a hidden 5-digit phone number within a limited number of attempts. To succeed in this challenge, players need to adopt effective strategies and tactics.

Start with a Systematic Approach

Begin the game by entering a random 5-digit number as your first guess. This initial guess serves as a baseline and helps gather feedback from the game.

Analyze the Feedback

Pay close attention to the colored highlights provided after each guess. The feedback received will help narrow down the possibilities for each digit in the hidden phone number. Focus on the numbers highlighted in green, as they are in the correct position.

Utilize the Process of Elimination

As you receive feedback, eliminate numbers that are not highlighted at all. These numbers are not part of the hidden phone number, allowing you to refine your guesses and concentrate on the remaining possibilities.

Consider the Yellow Highlights

A number highlighted in yellow indicates that it is part of the hidden phone number but in a different position. Use this information to rearrange your guesses and try different combinations.


How to play Phone Numble



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